I have a serious love for my Doula bag. I am positive that most Doulas have a few tricks in there, so I thought I should share what I keep in my bag!

"Quiet, Please" sign. - this has been most useful as the hospital, it can be a gentle reminder for doctors and nurses to enter the room quietly while the mother is laboring.
Rebozo - this is a traditional Mexican blanket or shawl used to support a birthing person's body in physical positions. You can read more here... https://evidencebasedbirth.com/rebozo-during-labor-for-pain-relief/
Rice Heat Compress - at most places of birth I have access to a microwave to give these a quick warm up. They can feel great on the lower back and provide a little more coverage when applying counter pressure.
Young Living V6 Massage Oil - this super smooth oil can feel great when a birthing person is wanting some gentle massage from myself or their partner. Some birthing people also find comfort in rubbing their own belly in a circular motion with oil. Clients can pair this with their own essential oils if desired (I do not provide essential oils).
Massage Ball - used for gentle massage, provides myself or the partner some extra support to the hands for a longer massage.
Battery Candles - for a lovely dimmed effect in the room.
Ear Plugs - can be used to drown out all other sounds in the room if a birthing person wants to find their own zone.

Affirmation cards - these can be so powerful for a mother to read, or for a partner to adjust the wording and use them as a great tool for encouraging his spouse.

Nourishment - I of course need to eat and sometimes other support people get hungry too! I have a variety of granola bars, noodle cups, and fresh fruit. Hydralyte tablets for some lemony flavor and added hydration, as well as honey suckers for energy.

Toiletries - shower items, moisturizer, toothpaste, toothbrushes, spray deodorant and lip chap. All for whomever might feel stinky and wants to freshen up!

Last, but definitely not least!
The Birth Partner by Penny Simkin - I have read this book many times now, it is an amazing tool for Doulas, partners, and anyone else in the room acting as a support person. It occasionally makes its way out of my bag for some new support ideas when situations get tough.